Thursday, 6 December 2012

Rural Women Grant

This week we received a cheque from farmlands and Rural Women to help us further develop our gardens and construct a compost bin.  We are very excited to know we can proceed with our plans for development now we have some funds.  Many thanks to Rural Women and Farmlands for their generous sponsorship.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Recycled magazine Xmas trees

Room 5 have been creative with old magazines by making paper Xmas trees.  The magazine pages are folded 3 times to make the shape, they are sprayed with a clear paint and sprinkled with glitter.  They looked sparkly and attractive when finished.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Shelley from wastewise came to Room 4 to help us classify our rubbish. We had to identify what would go into recycling, compost, hazardous waste, paper recycling, worm farm, e-waste, reusing, recycled plastics,
and landfill.
It was quite hard to sort all the pictures into the right category and it looked bad as quite a lot went to the landfill. Some of the food scraps we would have given to the chickens, or our dogs.

Waste wise Certificate

Shelley visited the school again to present us with our certificate to celebrate the completion of our first year of participating in the Waste wise programme.  Ryan, from Room 5 accepted the certificate on behalf of the school.  Thanks Shelley for your help and guidance throughout the year.  We look forward to continuing next year.